
And the toy of the day goes to...

Playdough. I have a real soft spot for it. When I was a little girl I had a suitcase, think paddington bear, that I took to pre-school every day. Inside, I had my two favourite possessions - a ball of red homemade playdough that I would eat throughout the day (that explains a lot), and my bunny toy. It's the simple things you enjoy the most.

And not only does playdough keep the kids occupied for hours...at least 10 minutes...but it gets their creative minds thinking and fine motor skills working. Try making your own - it tastes better.

(apparently it's delicious)
2 cups plain flour
4 tablespoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 cup salt
2 cups water
3 drops of food colouring

1/ Put salt, colouring and water in saucepan and heat till salt is disolved.

2/ Add the rest of the dry mix and stir until it 'doughs' together.

3/ Remove and let it cool for a min or two. Then knead it really well.

Don't refrigerate, keep at room temp in zip lock bags. 

Mix it up with a bit of glitter or sand.


  1. awesome, I always wanted to know how to make old school playdough.

  2. its funnny that you had a suitcase.

  3. Lovely, thank you.
